Why Kids Need Chiropractic Care

Why Kids Need Chiropractic Care

The youth in our community have officially gone back to school and are now in the swing of classes,  sports  and afterschool activities. This means sitting for long periods of time, running and falling on the playground and stressing the body during football, cross country, tennis, gymnastics and soccer practice. Kids and teens can find themselves in pain after a fall or endure muscle tension that won’t go away even after home care techniques like applying ice or stretching the sore area. A key to helping your child reach their athletic potential is to make sure their body is balanced, moving and working the way it is supposed to. It’s true that kids can usually bounce back after an injury, but their body has to work harder if the spine is not properly aligned and care can ensure they heal properly. Even infants and toddlers need chiropractic care and can relieve colic, digestive issues and bring more restful nights to the entire family.

What are Some Behavior Changes in My Child that Indicate an Adjustment Is Needed?

How do you know when it’s time to bring in your child for a chiropractic adjustment? If you notice your child has poor posture, has the urge to try and twist or “pop”, is complaining about a headache or migraine (yes, children can get migraines too) and back or neck pain, then a chiropractic adjustment may be just what they need! You know your child best and can sense when something is just “off”. A chiropractic adjustment can also help the immune system function properly, so Dr. Rob also recommends children come in for a visit to help boost their immune system when they are overcoming an illness.

What About Infants and Toddlers?

Infants and toddlers also need to visit the chiropractor. The birthing process is stressful on a baby and a misalignment can have many effects. Many parents have helped babies overcome colic and digestive issues after a few adjustments. The toddler years often make parents nervous because of the number of falls and even accidents that are normal for children learning to crawl, walk and run. Toddlers are brave and don’t always realize the danger from a fall off a chair, playground equipment or skipping the last step on a flight of stairs. They are learning balance, but this can be hindered if they suffer from a vertebral subluxation. 

Chiropractic care can bring relief to children suffering from a number of issues, including ear infections, digestive problems, colic, allergies, colds and sleeping issues. 

Children are Welcome in our Office!

Dr. Rob has been adjusting his littlest patients with light gentle pressure for six years, including his four-year-old son and one-year-old daughter who were both adjusted shortly after birth. Grand Traverse Family Chiropractic is kid-friendly with a play area for children in the waiting room. Kids are always welcome to “help” adjust Mom or Dad, ask Dr. Rob questions and even pick out a sticker or an organic sucker once their adjustment is complete. 

Comment below with your questions about why your child may need a chiropractic adjustment and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter


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