Can A Chiropractor Help Your Child Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder?

Can A Chiropractor Help Your Child Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder?

Do you know a child who has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? The diagnosis has become more widespread in the medical community, but chiropractors are able to treat the disorder through non-invasive and non-medical methods. There are many known variables that can attribute to ADHD, such as consuming food dyes, preservatives and additives, but there isn’t just one specific thing that can cause ADHD.  The American Chiropractic Association published a detailed article called “Helping Children with Attention Deficit Disorder” that explains how chiropractic care can help target the actual problems with ADHD, versus just using medicine to control ADHD.

As Dr. Robert Melillo, a chiropractic neurologist, stated in the article, “True ADHD patients have other signs — tics, tremors, balance or postural problems, or unusual sensitivity to touch, movement, sights, or sounds." Studies have found that, although medications can keep ADHD under control, they don't cure it. Eighty percent of patients have ADHD features in adolescence, and up to 65 percent maintain them in adulthood.

ADHD in Northern Michigan

I have been able to help many children with ADHD and their parents are grateful. One patient he has helped in Northern Michigan is a kindergartener named Soren. His mother bravely shared her journey in trying to find the right treatment for her son who was diagnosed with ADHD.

"My beautiful boy. A vibrant, fierce, fiery, strong, shining star, trying to fit into society's dull square.There were days of simple tasks, and decision making that brought him to his breaking point. And forget grocery shopping or sitting down at a restaurant. His energy just could not be tamed. How would he be able to sit still at school? How would he learn? The teachers won't get him. Oh the calls from the office I'll surely receive! And ADHD mediation had already been mentioned so I knew the direction we were headed. I was terrified of all of these possibilities as my sweet boy entered preschool age. It weighed heavily on our family. I just couldn’t - wouldn't let this be his fate. As I dove head first into research, determined to get my strong-willed child ready for the outside world, I came across tons of amazing advice. One of them being the benefits of Chiropractic care for ADHD. Not being very educated on chiropractic adjustments on children, I was hesitant. A little nervous even. But with every additional testimonial, I made the decision that I must give this a fair shot. Fast forward about 3 or 4 weeks. I couldn't believe my eyes! The calmness that came over my son during the moments I had previously braced myself for, was nothing short of incredible. Simply amazing. I truly believe with all my heart that this has helped my son. I'm eternally grateful for Dr. Rob Lyons. It takes consistency as do most treatment plans. A lifestyle change. The care we take of our bodies both internally and externally are so much more powerful than any pill. Soren is now thriving in kindergarten, at home, and my blood pressure stays neutral as we head to the grocery store! My boy doesn't have to fit into society's perfect little box. He is destined for greatness just the way he is! Medication free!"

I've cared for many kids like Soren, very often we find misalignment in the upper neck causing over activity of nerves and neurological input to the brain affecting focus and attention. Gentle, specific chiropractic care has made a difference for many children diagnosed with ADHD, in addition to making nutritional and lifestyle recommendations. I don't think I enjoy much more than seeing children thrive under chiropractic care!

Schedule a visit to discuss how chiropractic care can help if you or your child have been diagnosed with ADHD. This does not mean you will just suddenly stop taking medication, as that is not recommended, but it does mean you can use a whole body approach.  

Click here to read the full article “Helping Children with Attention Deficit Disorder” on the American Chiropractic Association website.


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