New Years Resolutions for Better Health!

Each year we hear patients excitedly share their New Year’s resolutions and they are full of hope to better an area of their life. We would love to report that every patient shares a success story, but that’s not the case! It can be hard to stay committed to making choices for your health if you don’t have the right tools in place. Here are a few resolutions for better health that are easy to keep and some of our favorite tips in helping you follow through and stick to your goals.

Simple Resolutions to Better Health

Many people set big goals for their New Year’s resolutions, but smaller goals toward better health add up too when you work on being intentional. Following through on smaller resolutions can motivate you to setting and reaching bigger goals that you may have once thought were impossible.

  • Eat three to five servings of fruits and vegetables each day
  • Drink at least 60 ounces of water each day
  • Eat breakfast every day
  • Visit the chiropractor once per week
  • Workout three times per week
  • Take vitamins every day
  • Make dinner at least four times per week

How to Keep Your Resolutions

Set Realistic Goals

Saying you will visit the gym five days a week is a great idea, but actually going to the gym may not be realistic in your current season of life. First look at your responsibilities and see what can work in your schedule. If you are balancing taking care of children and a full time job, then set a goal of working out five days per week is more realistic and offers flexibility to workout at home.

Find an Accountability Partner

Finding a friend who will keep you accountable and who maybe even wants to set the same resolution will keep you going when you feel like giving in. Having someone to keep you accountable is vital to following through on staying committed each day. It’s even better when you find someone who is ready to make the same changes with you.

Schedule Time to Focus on Your Goal

Assuming you will follow through with your goal each day is a great idea, but not a realistic way to actually stick to your resolution. Life gets busy, but setting aside time each day or week to think through your progress, find additional support and acknowledge your challenges will help you reenergize, help you stay focused and give you a new perspective as you strive to meet your goal.

Build in Rewards for Meeting Milestones

Following through on your resolution is very rewarding, but having to wait an entire year for your reward can lead to excuses for why breaking your resolution sounds like a good idea. Instead, create smaller goals that will help you reach your bigger goal and schedule rewards for when you achieve each smaller goal.

Keep a Journal

Writing down your progress and aspects of your journey can be extremely helpful. Looking back at your journey over the past few months can show you patterns you hadn’t noticed, show you how far you have come and empower you to keep going. It’s even more rewarding to look back after you successfully stick to your resolution and everything you learned along the way. 


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