Chiropractic during pregnancy?….of course! For babies too? bet!

We are asked all the time if chiropractic can be beneficial for pregnant mothers and newborn children. The short answer is absolutely! Anyone with a spine and a nervous system will benefit from chiropractic, and expecting mothers and newborns are no different. Keeping the nervous system free of interference improves the control and performance of our muscular system, tissue function, and cellular health1. Supporting a mother’s nervous system while pregnant can have a positive effect on the comfort of pregnancy and labor as well as development of the fetus, in turn creating a positive environment for a child’s first experience in this world.

Pelvic and spine asymmetry increases the fatigue of our muscles and ligaments, degeneration of bone and discs, as well as stress on the nerves. Now consider the rapid change a mother goes through in a 9-month time frame and the effects of the additional stress and tension on the mother’s body. Restoring and maintaining proper alignment of the pelvis during pregnancy is an important factor in trying to avoid any difficulties during labor and delivery. Misalignment of the sacrum, ilium, and lumbar spine shifts the shape of the uterus and pelvic outlet that may impair the delivery of a baby. Think of shooting a basketball through a round hoop verses a bent hoop. Chiropractic can help minimize the resistance in the birth canal for a newborn and improves the mother’s comfort, decreasing her stress levels and reducing labor time2. Nerve stress caused by a subluxation also interferes with muscle contraction and skeletal position, two factors very important in the development of the newborn and for a healthy delivery. The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces nerve stress, balances pelvic muscles and ligaments, and optimizes the mother’s pelvic function in pregnancy and birth. This translates into improved muscle contraction, less stress on the low back and pelvis, and a more symmetrical pelvic outlet for a natural delivery.

Don’t forget about baby!

Newborns can benefit tremendously from chiropractic care both as a corrective and preventative approach. The stress of a natural and uncomplicated birth can still be a traumatic event, putting pressure on the newborns protective skeletal system and tension on the nervous system. Beginning life in the best possible shape can optimize development and allow the babies inborn intelligence to focus on thriving and growth. At birth, the neuromuscular coordination is still developing the nerve pathways to coordinate body function. Restrictions to the signals may inhibit proper development not only physically but mentally and socially as well, considering that 65 % of neurological development occurs in the first year of life. Stressful deliveries that sprain ligaments and subluxate the spine can impede this critical time for development.  The natural delivery is a critical step in the development of the newborn’s spine, immune system, and nervous system and is part of the well-designed process that has been unfolding for 9 months!

Chiropractic is good for everyBODY!

The effects of a mother getting spinal adjustments while still pregnant is shown to have a positive impact on the development of the fetus’ neurological development. Recent research has shown a correlation between a mother’s autonomic tone and the autonomic response of a fetus. The autonomic system controls the unconscious fight-and-flight (sympathetic) or rest-and-digest (parasympathetic) responses. Over stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system caused by subluxations in the spine decreases blood supply to reproductive organs which increases fetal heart rate and decreases fetal oxygen supply. The sympathetic system should only be active for short periods of time and can impair fetal development over prolonged periods3.  These branches of the unconscious autonomic nervous system also affects the strength of the immune system. During the sympathetic response, our bodies naturally limits the immune response in favor of systems like the adrenal response. It is important to remember only one system can be on at a time, meaning the body is either in defense or in growth, so constant sympathetic fight-and-flight keeps the mother and unborn baby in a defensive high stress physiological response. This of course is all the more reason to make every attempt to ensure an expectant mother’s body and in turn mind are as relaxed and calm as possible.

So what do you think? Is chiropractic right for you, your children, or an expectant mother you know? All of us at Grand Traverse Family Chiropractic would love to help. Both Dr. Rob Lyons and Dr. Brian Marhofer utilize the Webster Technique and Dr. Rob is a member of and certified by the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association) in the Webster Technique. An organization of professionals devoted to the care of children and expectant mothers.

For more information about Grand Traverse Family Chiropractic and the chiropractic techniques used, connect with Dr. Rob and Dr. Brian on the web and on our Facebook pages here and here. Visit the office located in the Copper Ridge development of Traverse City, Michigan.

1) Haavik H, Murphy B. The role of spinal manipulation in addressing disordered sensorimotor integration and altered motor control. J Electomygr Kines. October 2012 2012;22(5):768-776

2)Diakow PR, Back Pain during pregnancy and labor. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapies. 1991: 14(2): 116-118

3) Zöllkau, J., Dölker, E. M., Schmidt, A., Schneider, U., & Hoyer, D. (2018). Dependencies between maternal and fetal autonomic tone. J. Perinat. Med., 2018, 1-8. doi:


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